Webinar: Developing a Residue Analytical Method: The Critical Role of Extraction Efficiency
In this webinar, Derek Brown provides an overview of the key method development stages when developing a residue analytical method.
Agriculture is one of the fastest-growing fields, so the study of crop residues has become an incredibly important process. A crop residue processing study focuses on the innovative techniques that are used to analyze left-over plant materials after harvest. The process goes further with the use of crop storage stability testing, which ensures that residues maintain their integrity over time, which is necessary for accurate analysis of residues.
Extraction efficiency testing is used to maximize the effects of agricultural studies. It does this by ensuring the maximum amount of chemicals are recovered for precise analysis. Similar to extraction efficiency testing, import tolerance testing and independent laboratory validation (ILV) ensure the standards of these studies are upheld, ensuring they meet all necessary guidelines and can be recreated across different labs.
It's imperative that you understand the accumulation and movements of residues. To shed light on how substances transfer through crops and their impact on later plantings, you'll need to have a deep understanding of residues in rotational crops and residue accumulation in rotational crops from soil uptake. Storage stability testing of residue samples, such as frozen storage stability, will keep samples unchanged during storage, which maintains testing integrity throughout the entire process.
You'll need great supporting technology and methodologies for any successful residue testing. Residue analytical support and radiovalidation are essential when it comes to enhancing the accuracy of residue analysis. Residue analytical methods (RAM) continue to grow and change, offering better techniques for detecting agricultural residues. Thanks to rigorous residue cross validations, we can enhance the accuracy of our testing methods, further solidified through residue method validation. Altogether, these processes safeguard the agricultural workforce and the global food supply.