Animal Residue Studies

Animal Residue Studies (also known as Livestock Feeding or Animal Transfer Studies) are an important component of pesticide registration. North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan require testing according to guidelines OECD 505 / OCSPP 860.1480.

Smithers residue scientists advise clients worldwide on important factors for performing a successful study, including; upstream radiolabeled metabolism studies, what to analyze, the importance of a dietary risk assessment and maximum residue levels.

Additional capabilities include radiovalidation and Independent Laboratory Validations (ILVs). Standard species are cow, hen and goat.

Ensuring Food Safety

Animal residue studies encompass a broad range of services, including a livestock residue feeding study and specific poultry and cattle studies. They play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and safety of our food supply. It's truly an essential process that the world depends on.

Livestock Residue Feeding Study

One of the main processes for ensuring a safe food supply are livestock residue feeding studies. They examine how residues from veterinary drugs, pesticides, and other chemicals accumulate in livestock. They're essential to set safe levels of residues in meat products and meet strict food safety standards.

Residues in Livestock Study

Similar to livestock residue feeding studies, a residues in livestock study goes into the specifics of residue accumulation throughout different livestock species. By understanding how these residues integrate into animal tissues, scientists can better manage any potential health risks to humans.

Cattle Feeding Study

Focused on the beef industry, a cattle feeding study looks at residue profiles that are present inside cattle, while taking into account the unique biological makeup of these organisms. This is another essential process to ensuring beef products are safe for consumption by humans. It cannot be overlooked if you want to meet strict food safety standards.

Poultry Feeding Studies

When it comes to poultry, you need to remember hen feeding and poultry feeding studies. These assess how certain residues behave during the production of eggs and chicken meat. In order to provide safe and healthy products, you must remember this important study. Since poultry is a key part of the diet for millions, ensuring its safety should be at the top of your to-do list.

Animal residue studies are essential to guarantee the safety of your food products. Through meticulous research and analysis, these studies are a critical part of our food supply. Contact us today when you're ready to learn more.

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