The Future of Transactional Cards to 2019

This comprehensive report identifies key market drivers and trends and quantifies the market by core technologies, end-use market, and geographical region.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures

What will you discover?

  • Access the latest quantitative and qualitative market data and analysis based on primary and secondary research to plug into your business plan
  • Clear identification of the global market by core technologies, end-use market, and geographic region will provide insight into where growth potential and business opportunities lie
  • Get a complete picture of the shape of global market for transactional cards with forecasts to 2019, helping you to plan your business strategy


The information in The Future of Transactional Cards to 2019 is based on both primary and secondary research. Primary research included interviews with key participants in marketing, sales, production and product development on the transactional as well as the card production side of the value chain. Key participants interviewed included personnel from payment processors, security expert firms, base material suppliers, and general industry experts. Secondary research included information acquired from technical literature, reports, papers, conference proceedings, company information, and other trade, business or government sources.

Who should buy this report?

  • Plastic convertors
  • Security printers
  • Digital ink manufacturers
  • Technology providers of security features

Name The Future of Transactional Cards to 2019

Date 10/9/2014

Price $6500.00

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