The Future of Airlaid Nonwovens to 2027

This report will include the growth of airlaid nonwovens from 2017 through 2027 and a detailed quantitative breakdown of airlaid nonwoven consumption by specific process variant, by raw material usage, by end-use applications and by geographic region.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures
The global consumption of airlaid nonwovens in 2022 is 574,800 tonnes or 7.5 billion m2, valued at $2.0 billion. Growth rates for 2017–22 were 4.7% (tonnes), 3.8% (m2) and 8.0% ($). Growth rates for 2022–27 are forecast at 6.0% (tonnes), 5.3% (m2), and 7.7% ($). Airlaid supply/demand is projected to tighten to over 94% globally by 2027.

Our exclusive content
  • Key trends, including: the effects of new markets and process modifications; the tightening of airlaid supply globally; the effect of the sustainability and plastics-free movements; and the increased growth in both multi-bonded airlaid and thermal bonded airlaid process variants
  • Detailed company profiles of the largest players and key stakeholders in the airlaid nonwoven value chain
  • In-depth analysis of material, process and geographic markets.
What does the report cover?
It includes the growth of airlaid nonwovens from 2017 through 2027 and a detailed quantitative breakdown of airlaid nonwoven consumption by specific process variant, raw material usage, end-use application and region. New, non-traditional end uses are introduced and quantified. Each market segment is discussed. The supply and demand situation both historically and projected is studied and discussed. A value chain for airlaid nonwovens with estimated profit margins by segment will be disclosed. Finally, the largest global airlaid nonwoven producers are identified and assessed.

What will you discover?
  • Growth rates reflect the addition of some new, non-traditional markets, like packaging, insulation and moulded consumer products. Airlaid average price per tonne growth is projected to again lead the nonwovens industry through 2027
  • Airlaid has the highest demand/supply ration of any nonwovens process in 2022; other industries would have added capacity before supply became so limited. This conservative approach to expansion is projected to continue through 2027.
The Smithers methodology
This report is based on extensive primary and secondary research. Primary research consisted of targeted interviews with material suppliers, converters and experts drawn from key markets. This was supported by secondary research in the form of extensive literature analysis of published data, official government statistics, domestic and international trade organisation data, company websites, industry reports, trade press articles, presentations, and attendance at trade events.

Who should buy the report?
  • Materials suppliers
  • Raw materials suppliers
  • Users of airlaid nonwovens
  • Manufacturers
  • Nonwoven equipment suppliers
About the author
Phil Mango has spent almost 40 years in the nonwovens industry. He has had varying positions and areas of expertise within the industry, from applications management for the global leader in nonwoven binders to technology director for the world’s largest airlaid producer, to founder, owner and head of operations for his own nonwovens company. He entered the consulting field in 2003 and has authored more than 35 reports for Smithers.
The Future of Airlaid Nonwovens to 2027

Name The Future of Airlaid Nonwovens to 2027

Date 11/10/2022

Price $6750.00

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