Highlights from Extractables and Leachables Masterclass 2019

Highlights from Extractables and Leachables Masterclass 2019

Smithers experts Michael Creese and Daniel Norwood recently delivered a workshop as part of Smithers E&L China 2019 event, providing in-depth knowledge on both the history and current state of extractables and leachables (E&L) testing. They also explored various manufacturing systems as well as the regulations and standards in place to protect consumers.

The successful workshop allowed attendees to not only get a better understanding of E&L testing, but also to investigate the complexities of various methodologies and testing solutions available.

In the downloadable presentation below, you will see a curated section of what was covered in the workshop.

Find out more about our extractables and leachables testing at Smithers. 

Download the presentation below:


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