Webinar: Insights on Producing a High Fidelity Tire Model

Webinar: Insights on Producing a High Fidelity Tire Model

Original run date: April 30, 2015 | download below > 

For tire developers, the process of creating tire models can be complex. Questions arise such as: How do you develop test methods that produce data that can easily be modeled or programmed to predict actual vehicle performance?  What methods will produce the data needed to "fit" into a given tire model? While the data and programming have improved greatly over the years, and this webinar is focused on demystifying the complex process.

The webinar covers:

  • What goes into good tire models?
  • How does that data get turned into the model and how do those models get integrated with other vehicle models?
  • What are the pros and cons of each model?

Find out more about Smithers expert support for Tire Modeling.

Webinar - Tire Modeling

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